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Search Terms–And the WTF Award Goes To …

by Laura on June 10th, 2013

If you don’t have a blog, you may not realize that we bloggers meticulously track are OCD about our stats, wondering about the best tags, categories. We look at the click rate and click-throughs. Then there are the various search terms that led readers to click over to our blog.

Seriously. I could not make this stuff up.*

Some google search terms totally make sense, such as

“Laura Dennis blog”

and even popular ones like “Rita Ora Kosovo” and “Does Rita Ora Speak Serbian?”

then there are likely the adoptive parents looking to adopt from Serbia, hence “Adoption from Serbia” and “International adoption and Serbia”

I get “understanding the bipolar mind,” “Serbian mentality,” and “What is Serbian inat?”

Some are slightly more confounding.

“ideal mom strip” … is this supposed to be about a super mom comic strip, or about great moms who are strippers? Not sure.

“child peeing” and “little girl peeing” … What was the intent here? I sincerely hope it was research on potty training, and has nothing to do with golden showers. Yea. I said it.

“Serbia strict dress code” … not sure what this one is about.

Not sure if I should be flattered or offended by “Laura the stripper.” Maybe the person was looking for a different Laura.

Love this one: “santa fairies.” And hey, I did write a post on what Santa Clause and fairies have in common. I wonder if the searcher found what he was looking for.

In the Missing-the-point-of-the-blog category:

“adopted daughter gotcha day gift ideas” … riiiight.


Then there are the significantly more entertaining search terms, including:

“surprise it’s a sex party” and

“surprise sex party mom” … excuse me while I poke my eyes out with a sharp stick.

“deep voices Serbian men” … wha???

“does going barefoot in the cold cause pneumonia?” … funny, but not surprising.

“do Serbians smoke?” … to which I would ask, Do pigs shit in the woods?

“how can I marry my kum?” … a.w.k.w.a.r.d.


Finally the prize for the What. the. Fuck? Category goes to … drum roll …

“pics of little girls wetting panties” … ew. Stranger danger. I don’t even want to know if this is a fetish or not.

*Please don’t take offense at the search terms if any are your own. I love having new readers who find me through random searches! Welcome! Except for the pedophiles. Seriously. Not okay.

*  *  *  *  *

“Magnifying Glass In Hand” by bearvader from


From → Expat Mommy

  1. Oh wow, Laura. WTF is right! I don't get any near that strange. I get a lot on "kinship adoption problems" and a bunch on "adoptee rights". The one that bothers me the most is people searching for "how much does it cost to adopt" or something to that effect.

  2. Lots of pedophiles and pee here too and people creeping on pics of my kids.

  3. I get a lot for "my husband's panties" and I'm quite happy that people find my blog when they search "I am against open adoption" and variations on that theme.

  4. Greg permalink

    I know there is no answer to this question but I'll ask it anyway, WTF is wrong with people?

  5. Well, if it is of any help, I get a lot of 'hot French women' in my keywords. They must be disappointed when they stumble upon the blog!

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